Freight | Leadville, CO
We Are Freight

Our mission is to lift up the lives of those who came before us by reactivating historic spaces in Leadville. We write our names on these walls alongside theirs, in celebration of what has been and what is yet to be.

Here at Freight, we’ve believe in serving others. That’s why we proudly donate at least 10% of our efforts back to the Leadville community.

We aim to be a place where all people can be seen, heard and celebrated, by facilitating education, storytelling, and rest.

Core Values
We value celebration, ceremony, service & authenticity. We gather together, sometimes as a community & sometimes as strangers, to write new chapters in the beautiful story of Leadville.

Womxn Lead
Womxn have the entrepreneurial grit & the ability to survive in rugged conditions. Women before us survived the boom and bust of an early mining settlement, and carved out an economy in the oldest profession. At FREIGHT, we continue the tradition of strong female leadership and honor the stories of women who came before us. Intersectionality guides the privilege we hold in this strength.
Women Lead

Women have the entrepreneurial grit & the ability to survive in rugged conditions. Even the women before us lived through the boom & bust of an early mining settlement, & carved out an economy in the oldest profession. At Freight, we continue that tradition through strong female leadership.
Past Women
of Leadville
From the madams who ran parlor houses to the hurdy gurdy girls that frequented saloons & doubled as musicians & performers, these women pushed the social fabric that helped shape Leadville.

Past Women
of Leadville

From the madams who ran parlor houses to the hurdy gurdy girls that frequented saloons & doubled as musicians & performers, these women pushed the social fabric That helped shape Leadville.

Miners & Ladies
Historical accounts of these women can be found in fragments of newspapers, court cases, obituaries, and in a handful of books. But these women were hard to track. They moved from town to town, changing their names, inventing back stories, their identities constantly evolving. What were their lives like?
Miners & Ladies

Historical accounts of these women can be found in fragments of newspapers, court cases, obituaries, and in a handful of books. But these women were hard to track. They moved from town to town, changing their names, inventing back stories, their identities constantly evolving. What were their lives like?